Friday, April 4, 2014

I Love No Meetings!

I think this was the first work day I can remember that I didn't have a single meeting! It was a great day! We started a new "no meeting policy" for Wednesday afternoons at my workplace, too, and I love it.  I understand that sometimes meetings are important, but we have so many sometimes, that I feel like it's hard to ever find a solid block of time to get much done.

I'm trying to stick by some of our best practices - have an agenda, stay focused, and keep meetings short. I've also tried a few new things with 1:1's...  doing them while walking when the weather's nice or treating someone to lunch.  It definitely helps me feel like I'm talking to a friend rather than 'working.'

Here's an article from OfficeVibe that talks about how we can make meetings "suck less"!

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